Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Week of October 22, 2017

As if last week’s game wasn’t suspenseful enough, Mentor is trailing Euclid 58-59 with just 4 seconds left in the game. And…..we win with a field goal!!! YAY!! It’s such an awesome sight to watch the team run over to the FCMB, helmets up and wait for us to play the Alma Mater!

Then, the icing on the cake, is a PHENOMENAL performance by our very own FCMB at the Brunswick Sound Spectacular. And their reward for their hard work – Straight 1’s with a another SUPERIOR rating! What a fantastic weekend!
This week is a busy one! Please look over the schedule carefully!

Schedule for the Week

October 23, 2017: Monday, Extra help session for pass off’s 2:45 – 3:30 pm

October 24, 2017: Tuesday, Rehearsal 6:00 – 9:00 pmOctober 26, 2017: Thursday, Rehearsal 2:30 – 4:30 pm Please note: marchers will be picking up uniforms to be ready for the am Fox 8 performance after this practice.

October 27, 2017: Friday, FCMB Fox 8 Performance at the high school. Call time is 5:30 AM! Followed by MHS @ Elyria Call time is 2:45 pm. See details below.

October 29, 2017: Sunday, Indoor Concert in the gym at 3 pm. Call time is 2 pm. Attire: black pants, red polos and dinkles. We will be selling raffle tickets for the banquet as well. Get them early so you can get your name and number on every ticket!

Upcoming Important Dates

November 1, Wednesday: Rehearsal 6 – 9 PM
November 3, Friday: Playoff Game at home
November 4, Saturday: STATES! Performance time 6 pm, Call time 1 pm
November 8, Wednesday: Music Mentors Meeting 7 pm
November 9, Thursday: Basket making party (Details to come in separate email.)

Friday, October 27th: Fox 8 Performance

Call time for Friday morning will be 5:30 AM. Fox 8 will be coming to the school for this special event to highlight the band. We understand this is an early call time but it is such a great opportunity for our marchers. They will be picking up their uniforms to hang in the band wing on Thursday after rehearsal. We are working on having something for them to eat (Grab and go) when they get to the school, but of course, they should bring some extra snacks and drinks for the day as they have an away game after school. The best thing would be for them to eat something before they get to the school in the morning. The event lasts a couple of hours and then they will be dismissed to class. Any questions should be directed to Mr. Poremba.

MHS @ Elyria, game time 7 pm

Call time is 2:45 pm. Marchers should bring money for concessions. We will be providing pizza and salad before they leave for Elyria. Again, your marcher is always welcome to bring their own food if they prefer. Please keep in mind they will be at school though from 5:30 am.

State Marching Band Finals

Our time is Saturday, November 4th at 6 pm with a call time of 1 pm. This will be at Brunswick High School.

FCMB Banquet November 12, 2017

By now you should have all received an Infinite Campus message from Mr. Poremba regarding the End of the Season FCMB Banquet. If you have not, the link is posted below. Please print out and have your marcher turn in their banquet RSVP form or you can mail it to the PO BOX by OCTOBER 26th with payment. Please note: Each marcher is limited to 2 guests due to the size of our band.

We hope to celebrate with each and everyone one of our marchers and their families and enjoy an evening recognizing all their efforts for the season!

2017 FCMB Banquet Form

Scholarship Raffle Donations Needed

Thank you for all your assistance in helping us gather donations. Anything else you could gather is still much appreciated!

If you know of any business that might like to donate to our scholarship fundraiser, please use the Scholarship Donation letter located on the Music Mentors website. This letter explains that we are a non-profit, tax exempt organization, what the donation is for and how to donate. The website also has a list (Scholarship Donation Progress Worksheet) of the businesses we have already contacted and those who have donated. We want to be sure we do not approach a business multiple times.

Please contact Mary McFarland with any assistance you could provide, any donations you have gathered or names of business that you have contacted. Her contact email is [email protected]

Pictures for the Website

Anyone willing to share pictures of games and events, please send to [email protected]. Thank You!