We want to formally apologize to those volunteers that were missed when we recognized all those who have assisted the band this year at the banquet. We certainly appreciate each and every one of you and we are so sorry that we inadvertently missed recognizing you and your time, efforts and donations!
The following people have donated for 3rd quarter meet and greets, chaperoned and in general have helped in multiple ways. Please allow us to acknowledge the following for all they have done:
Cyndi Best
Annetta Estok
Ellen Nedlik
Olivia Altizer
Melanie Began
Celeste Duffy
Ann Fiorta
Tom Galvin
Kris Hohlfelder
Michelle Kuch
Jennifer Lunato
LaDonna Oltmanns
Roberta Pennington
Alli Pettifer
Kris Ruhe
Arlin Stavnicky
Debi Webster
Beth Weidig
Again, we hope you accept our sincerest apologies and know that each of you is truly appreciated!