Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Music Mentors – Week of November 18th, 2019

Thank you all!
We hope everyone had a wonderful time celebrating our awesome FCMB yesterday! It was a fun filled afternoon of great food, great company, lots of awesome prizes and most of all lots of laughter and celebration from the kids!
We’d like to extend our sincere thank you to everyone for their patience in seating and check in! We had approximately 540 people in attendance so your patience was truly appreciated! A huge congratulations to Kim Bednarski and her crew for all their time and efforts in gathering donations and organizing all of your wonderful prizes! Thank you to all of those that bought tickets to help support our scholarship fund! Our students are truly grateful! Thank you to all our volunteers for without you the banquet wouldn’t have ran as smoothly as it did! You all are amazing! But most of all, thank you to each student and staff member of the FCMB! Your hard work and dedication make it so easy to celebrate!

As a reminder, the FCMB will continue to travel alongside the Mentor Cardinal football team as they fight their way through playoffs! We are here as a group to support their way to victory and cheer them on! GO CARDS!

MHS vs St. Ed’s, information

FCMB Tumbler Fundraiser for Disney – orders due tomorrow!
Flyers and order forms for this fundraiser are available at school right outside the band room. Earn 40% towards your Disney trip! All orders are due by TOMORROW, November 19th. Tumbers will arrive the week of December 16th and money is due that week!

This Week in Band:

  • 11/19, Tuesday: FCMB Disney Tumbler Fundraiser ends. Orders due to Mr. Poremba
  • 11/22, Friday: Regional Final! MHS vs St. Ed’s at Byer’s Field in Parma, call time 3:45 pm. Kick off 7 pm. LAYER UP, bring some hand and feet warmers, and bring money for concessions! Link below for ticket and seating information.

Follow us on Twitter
@MentorFCMB – Mr. Poremba
@musicmentorsmhs – Music Mentors
@MentorMSBands – Mentor Middle School Bands