FCMB Information , Week of August 17th
A Message from Mr. Poremba
Hello Band Families!
As we enter week 4 of our pre-season marching band rehearsals, please note the changes to our schedule for the next two weeks:
Monday – August 17, Wednesday – August 19, and Friday – August 21, we will be rehearsing from 8:30am – 11:30am. There is no rehearsal on Tuesday and Thursday this week. ALL BAND MEMBERS will report during this time. We have been approved to have up to 100 people in an area so we will be utilizing a “block schedule” and having groups rotating around campus for rehearsal activities. Please note the drop off areas for the following sections:
▪ FLUTE, CLARINETS, TRUMPETS will report to the PRACTICE FIELD at 8:30am▪ ALL SAXOPHONES, MELLOPHONES, AND LOW BRASS will report to the “sectionals tree” outside behind C WING at 8:30am
▪ COLOR GUARD, MAJORETTES, AND PERCUSSION should report to their normal areas in front of MHS and the FAC at 8:30am. All band members EXCEPT for percussion and color guard can be picked up in the SOUTH parking lot at 11:30am after rehearsal.
We are excited to be able to start combining more kids together as we move forward – however we need to remind the band members to continue safe habits with social distancing, masks when not playing, and utilizing the sanitization stations provided. Band members are also reminded to turn in polo shirt orders on Monday August 17. It is important that all orders are turned in tomorrow, so we can receive these in a timely manner. These polos will serve as our uniform for the band this season. Band members will also need a pair of black (khaki style) pants – no yoga pants or leggings, black socks, and black shoes (dinkles). The band members that already have “dinkles” can wear those. We will have further information regarding dinkle orders in the coming weeks.
FCMB Polo Form – mandatory for marchers
Guard and Majorettes will receive uniform information from Kelly Hoellein.
As of right now our performance schedule will be based on home games only – there will be no travel for the band this season.
We also want to make everyone aware that we will be starting the school year in our CONCERT BAND schedules. ALL BAND MEMBERS will follow their individual class schedules for band. WE WILL NOT BE COMBINING THE FCMB DURING mods 9-10 AS WE HAVE IN YEARS PAST.
We will also be working up a rehearsal schedule for after-school rehearsals once school starts. We will have this for you in the coming days. The week of August 24 we will rehearse on Tuesday August 25 and Thursday August 27 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.
Thank you again for your continued support of our band program. All the best to you and your families as we start the new school year!
Mr. PorembaSteve Poremba, Band Director
Mentor High School