Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

FCMB Information – 04/10/2022

FCMB Information – 04/10/2022

2022-2023 Music Mentor Board Positions

At our April meeting, the Nominating Committee presented their slate of officers for the 2022-2023 season. The slate of officers is as follows:

President: Angie Arslanian
Vice-President: Amy Freeman
Treasurer: Julie Bates
Secretary: OPEN

As you can see the positions are unopposed but a voice vote will be held at our May meeting to ensure the nominated officers are elected by a majority vote. If you are interested in serving as a secretary for the 2022-2023 school year, please contact Angie Arslanian at [email protected]

As we seem to have rounded the corner of our restrictions due to Covid-19, we will be resuming with in person monthly meetings going forward and we invite you all to join us and become involved.


Spaghetti Dinner, April 12th, 5-8 pm

The Spaghetti dinner is Tuesday, April 12th from 5-8 pm. Anyone one that has volunteered on the Sign Up Genius will be needed and should report to the Student Center and check in with Angie Arslanian and /or Debbie Dittebrand when you arrive.

Students – you will check in with Mrs. Arslanian or Mrs. Dittebrand as well.

Please remember, we are accepting walk in’s so continue to spread the word.

The scholarship basket raffle will take place at the dinner. Winners need not be present to win. Please help us support our musicians!


We are getting ready for FCMB Season! Meeting Announced!

Please mark April 20th at 7 pm on your calendars if you have a student planning to march in the FMCB for the 2022-2023 season. There will be a parent and student meeting this night in the FAC to review pertinent information. We want to be able to get information out to you a bit earlier than we have in the past. Please spread the word to all those who will have children in the FCMB next season.

Percussion and Majorette/Guard Clinics will continue to be posted on the homepage of the website. Please look these dates over and make plans to attend if you plan on trying out for FCMB in these specific sections.


This Week in Band:

April 12th: Spaghetti Dinner, 5-8 pm
April 15th and April 18th: NO SCHOOL