Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

What’s new in band? Week of March 3, 2024

Music Mentors Meeting, Wed., March 6th at 6:30 pm

Our regular Music Mentors meeting will be Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, at 6:30 pm. We will begin the meeting with our OMEA walkthrough for those that will be volunteering for OMEA large group on March 15-16th. Please meet at 6:30 pm in front of the hub.

Nominating Committee Formation

At this month’s meeting on Wednesday, March 6th, we will form our 2024 Nominating Committee to assist in the selection of individuals to form our slate of nominations for the 2024-2025 school year. The Nominating Committee selects a slate for the Executive board which consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. (Chair positions are appointed by the new Board once elected.) This slate will be brought forth at the April meeting. At that time, any further nominations from the membership must be brought to the floor at the meeting as well. To be nominated, you must have attended a minimum of 3 meetings during the year, and be a member of Music Mentors in good standing.oting will take place at the May meeting. Should the slate brought forth by the Nominating Committee in April be uncontested, a voice vote will be held.
Any questions can be directed towards any of the current officers listed below:
President – Angie Arslanian: [email protected]
Vice President – Amy Freeman: [email protected]
Treasurer – Julie Bates: [email protected]
Secretary – Beatrice Goldberg: [email protected]

OMEA Large Group, March 15-16, 2024

Hello Everyone!
Mentor is hosting our annual OMEA Large Group Contest for both Choir and band, for middle and high school levels. This large event takes place on March 15-16, 2024.
We still need many volunteer shifts covered to make this event run as smoothly as possible to ensure its success. Just a FYI – Friday, March 15th, Mentor students do NOT have class as it is an in service day for staff.
ADULTS: There are 3 shifts available each day and we need SEVERAL adult volunteers each shift. We are asking for ALL families to take a look at the schedule and volunteer for at least one shift. This would fill our schedule very quickly. If your shift falls during the time your student performs, we will ensure that you are able to watch your student perform.
STUDENTS: Students are also needed to work this event and their sign ups are posted in the band wing.
Please note: Freshman band will perform Saturday morning at 8:30 am; Scarlet Band on Friday at 5:40 pm and Wind Ensemble , Friday at 7:40 pm
Below is the Sign Up genius Link to allow ADULT/PARENT volunteers to sign up. Please consider donating a few hours of your time to assist Music Mentors with this large event.
OMEA Adult/Parent Volunteer Sign Up
We appreciate all your help and support!