Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

BJ’s Dine to Donate, January 30th

BJ’s is hosting a Dine To Donate for Music Mentors on January 30th. If you are out and about for lunch or dinner that day, consider going to BJ’s! We appreciate all your support!

The flyer is located on the home page of the website!

2019 Annual Pasta Dinner, February 12th; KEEP SELLING THOSE TICKETS!

Our annual Pasta Dinner that will be held February 12th in the Student Center from 5-8 pm. Each student is asked to sell 6 tickets for this event! We have many students already turning in sold tickets. The directors have more tickets to hand out if you need more! These funds go towards the general fund of Music Mentors. It would help immensely if tickets are turned in as they are sold so we can keep a running tally to give the caterer. Carry outs and walk in’s will be welcome at our dinner. If you have somewhere that you could help us advertise by hanging the sign pictured to the left, please let us know so that we can get that to you. The top 2 sellers will receive a $25 gift card to a retailer of their choice


We will need lots of help for this event! A volunteer sign up is available at the following link. 
Pasta Dinner Adult & Student Volunteer sign up

Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time to help Music Mentors out! It is truly appreciated! If you have any questions regarding the event or volunteering, you can contact Sheila Kaifesh at [email protected].

2019-2020 Board Positions

Nominations for Board positions (President, VP1, VP2, Secretary and Treasurer) are done in March. The Nominating Committee is formed in February. If anyone is interested in those positions, you must be nominated by the committee or be nominated in March. To serve on a Board position, you must have paid your membership dues and been to three meetings within the school year. Any parent with a child in the district band program can serve on the board.

All members of the board will have students within the district band programs for the 2019-2020 school year but please know that these positions are one-year terms so anyone can be nominated. Currently, the President position will be the only position with a student not in the high school program, so if you are interested in serving in that position, please let us know. If you are interested and have questions about any one of the positions, please feel free to reach out to any one of us with questions.

Committee chairs will also be needed for the next year as we have several graduating parents, but these positions are appointed by the President and the Board (after elections in April) and are a one-year term. If you are interested in learning about these positions, please let us know.

This Week!

1/29, Tuesday, after school: Flute choir, clarinet choir, woodwind choir 
1/29, Tuesday, 6 pm : Pep Band 
1/31, Thursday, after school: Trumpet choir, Brass choir, percussion ensemble