Thank you!!
Thank you!!! Thank you for such a wonderful banquet! We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We’ve had a very successful year and there was lots
November 15, 2018
Congratulations!! Huge “CONGRATULATIONS” goes out to the FCMB for not only earning their “I” SUPERIOR rating at SMBF, but also getting straight ones on their
November 6, 2018
State Marching Band Finals are here!!
Just an apology that this email is being sent out late. Had some technical difficulty getting into the program but all is well now! Due
October 30, 2018
What Amazing kids we have in FCMB!!
What amazing kids we have in the FCMB!! 4 “Superior” ratings this year at our competitions! That is a fantastic accomplishment! The dedication this group
October 22, 2018