2020-2021 Elections:During this unprecedented time of the Covid-19 pandemic, and our “Stay at Home” initiative, the April meeting was obviously cancelled and at this point, the May meeting looks uncertain. As many of you are aware, April of each year brings elections for our Music Mentors officers for the upcoming school year. It is important that officers are elected into position without delay as the end of the fiscal year for Music Mentors is May 31st. We are full force into the planning for the FCMB season at that time thus officers are needed for the decisions to be made and tasks at hand to be done. In February, the nominating committee met to choose a slate of officers for the new school year. At our March 4th meeting, the nominating committee presented the following slate of officers: President – Angie Arslanian, 1st Vice President – Amy Freeman, 2nd Vice President – Sheila Kaifesh, Treasurer – Debbie Dittebrand and Secretary – Kary Vogel. There were no additional nominations for officer positions brought forth from the floor at the March meeting. Thus, the slate of officers is uncontested. Therefore, after speaking with the current Board, the nominations listed above will be considered elected into position as of April 1st and will begin their term as of June 1st, 2020. I will be contacting the new slate of officers to discuss Committee Chair positions in the weeks to come and will announce those positions once they are finalized. Thank you for your support of Music Mentors and your understanding during this difficult time. My hope is for all of you to remain healthy and to find some time to enjoy the time spent with family during these trying weeks ahead. Angie ArslanianPresident, Music Mentors [email protected] |
Disney Fundraiser InformationAs we continue on with the “Stay at Home” initiative and the practice of physical distancing, Mr. Poremba has arranged for all the students who had credit card orders to be processed for the fundraiser and those orders would be delivered to the student to disperse to the respective buyer. As for the other orders that were turned in, those are unfortunately not being ordered at this time due to our current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic. For any payments turned in with the order, those will be refunded once we have access to the schools again, and the Stay at Home initiative has been lessened. We will look at repeating this fundraiser again once band is back in session. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Mr. Poremba at [email protected]. |
Senior Scholarship Information and DeadlinesSenior Scholarship applications, essays and recommendation letters are due by Monday, April 6th, at 3 pm. No late entries after this date will be accepted. Due to our current situation, we are asking that submissions are sent electronically to [email protected]. Please remember to scan the recommendation letter and application and send those as well. As discussed and voted upon at the March Music Mentors meeting, the scholarship program has been revised to offer 4 Senior Scholarships at 4 various amounts dependent upon the success of the FCMB banquet. This decision was made to enhance the program to offer fewer scholarships at a larger amount rather than several scholarships at a smaller amount. |
Follow us on Twitter @MentorFCMB – Mr. Poremba @musicmentorsmhs – Music Mentors @MentorMSBands – Mentor Middle School Bands |