Music Mentors

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

WELCOME TO FCMB – 2022-2023!

WELCOME TO FCMB – 2022-2023 !

In just a few short weeks, all our marchers will be back at the school and prep work to ensure they are set for the season has been in motion!

First and foremost, Music Mentors hopes our FCMB leadership had a fantastic experience at Drum Major Camp! Make it an experience you will never forget!

FCMB Paperwork!

ORDER FORMS are now up on the website for both Guard/Majorettes and Marchers. There will be a “Try-on” day at the high school the first or second week we return. On this day we will take credit card payments. Otherwise payment can be made with cash or checks (payable to Music Mentors). You can find the forms by going to the Links/Forms at the top and then going to FCMB.

Helpful Tips:

  1. EVERY MARCHER NEEDS TO COMPLETE AN ORDER FORM! This $30 goes towards supplies needed for FCMB, guest instructors for band camp week, food, and part of this fee is for the purchase of your student’s mobile phone app which will house their “Drill Coordinates” which tells them where they personally should be marching for each part of each song.
  2. The Cedar Point Costs are set by Cedar Point. We can only purchase tickets at these costs for our students and those that chaperone or those with service crew.
  3. Marcher Uniform Form: All uniform items are mandatory! However, having one Dri- Wick shirt is mandatory, having 2 can be a lifesaver (especially when we have back to back events)! Same goes for gloves.
  4. Marching shoes (Dinkles) are sized as men (M) and women (W). PLEASE make sure you indicate that on your form.
  5. Guard/Majorettes: All items specific to their section are mandatory! If you are a returning member and have the items you will need to pay for the fee, Cedar Point and your new parade shirt. Kelly Hoellein will assist in the sizing.
  6. If you would like to pay now to spread the costs out, you can order without sizing and we will have your forms available the night of sizing to update. Please just circle or highlight the size box to indicate you still need to size it.

Paperwork to review or complete:

    • Uniform Form
    • OMEA Medical Authorization Form
    • Permission Slip (will be posted when I receive it)
    • Medication forms (Same forms the school has – you will need a separate copy of the paperwork for FCMB)
    • FCMB Tips – Great tips for a successful summer in marching band! The tips are the same, I just do not have a date for credit card payments.

Just a friendly reminder – FCMB is a Pay to Participate activity through the school district. This $200 fee is collected by the district before our first game in August.


FCMB 2022-2023

Please ensure you are subscribed to the emails. It is here where you will find information pertinent to the season.

Please ensure that your marcher goes to the link below and registers themselves for FCMB. It only takes a minute!

FCMB Registration Link


Volunteers needed for the Lake County Fair!

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! PLEASE SIGN UP FOR A SHIFT OR TWO TO HLEP US OUT. IF ALL FAMILIES DID ONE SHIFT WE WOULD BE SET! We filled lots spots with the last plea, but we still have a lot to go! Please consider working a shift or two to help us out!

We are need of both student and adult volunteers for parking assistance for the Lake County fair from July 26-31st! This is a HUGE endeavor but with 180-200 band students we should be able to fill these volunteer slots quickly! If everyone took one shift, we can staff this completely to assist in our fundraising efforts and can earn thousands of dollars in the short span of a week! Please consider helping us out! The sign up links are below! Questions can be directed to Meredith Everett at [email protected]

Adult Sign up
Student Sign up