Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

Music Mentors

Proudly supporting the band programs of Mentor Schools

What’s new in band?

Music Mentors Meeting

Just a quick reminder that our Music Mentors Meeting will be Wednesday, February 5th at 7 pm in the band room. A nominating committee will be formed at our February meeting to propose a nominating slate for the executive board for the 2025-2026 season. We hope to see your there!

As we have mentioned in the past few months, Music Mentors will be seeking volunteers for the upcoming 2025-2026 season. Currently, we have several positions led by Senior parents that we will need to fill.

Please note: to fill an executive board position (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary), you must be a member in good standing, and have attended 3 meetings this season.

Our committee chair positions are appointed by the executive board and you must be a member in good standing.

Vacancies that will need to be filled:
* Secretary
* Chaperone
* Service Crew
* Scholarships
* Uniforms

Should you be interested in any of the positions, please email [email protected] so we can answer any questions you may have.

This is one of the best organizations I have ever been involved in, if not THE BEST. I encourage everyone to think about becoming involved. Our students need you!

Music Mentors and the Mentor Band and Choir programs will be hosting OMEA Large Group Contest on March 7th and 8th. We will be in need of a large amount of both parent and student volunteers to ensure this event’s success. As some of our students will be performing, I do want to preface that we will ensure that everyone that volunteers will be able to see their student perform.

As this event will be a topic of discussion at our upcoming Music Mentors meeting this Wednesday, more details will be announced in the upcoming weeks along with a sign up to volunteer. Student sign ups will also be up in the music wing in the next week or so.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] .

Music Mentors Scholarship Application